3C Contact Services Announces Spark Health Media as New Client

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3C Contact Services (www.3CContactServices.com), North America’s premier cost-effective provider of contact center solutions for small- and medium-sized businesses, is announcing Spark Health Media as its newest client.

Spark Health Media is a health and wellness company that specializes in weight loss, stress management, anti-aging, and other health products. They offer a variety of professional training seminars that can help people lose weight, lower their risk of diabetes, reduce stress, and resolve insomnia.

“We are very happy to welcome Spark Health Media as one of 3C Contact Services’ new clients,” says Steven Facey, general manager at 3C Contact Services. “As a health and wellness company with a range of products and services, Spark Health Media has a diverse range of customer service needs. We are honoured to have been selected to work alongside them, providing greater service to their customers.”

3C Contact Services will be handling phone, email, and live chat support for Spark Health Media, providing multichannel support across a variety of mediums. As Spark Health Media offers their products and services globally, 3C Contact Services will be providing 24/7 support for all of Spark Health Media’s customers.

“Customers for health and wellness businesses require special considerations,” Facey explains. “These customers are dealing with health issues, which can mean they need a higher level of service. For some, receiving prompt customer support can be critical, while others may have medical issues that prevent them from using the phone.”

3C Contact Services will also be providing a variety of support functions for Spark Health Media, including receiving orders, customer support, and customer retention. These services can help reduce costs for businesses, as well as increase sales or revenue.

“Customer service isn’t passive anymore,” Facey concludes. “With customer retention, 3C Contact Services can actively help grow a company’s customer base and increase sales. We will be using our expertise and proven experience to grow Spark Health Media and provide a superior level of service to their customers.”

3C Contact Services provides its partners’ agents with the necessary customer service skills needed to resolve a number of situations.

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